
Tattoo Aftercare: By following these simple instructions, the healing process should be quick and easy. Please note that different tattoo artists may vary their recommendations based on the their style of tattoo work (e.g. heavy blackwork, color, etc.) and therefore artists may recommend different steps or tips.

Below is a list of MY instructions for best aftercare for my tattoo work.


  • Leave the plastic wrap on for 3-4 hours after you leave the shop.

  • Before you start to remove the plastic, make sure your hands are clean and you have unscented antibacterial soap (Dial Soap).

  • Carefully remove the plastic wrap (I generally like to do this in the shower). Using the Dial soap, make a lather in your hands and gently clean the tattoo using a circular motion until all ointment and plasma are removed. Do not use wash cloths, sponges or anything abrasive to clean the tattoo. Do not re-wrap the tattoo.

  • Rinse the tattoo gently until the skin is clean. I recommend using warm or cool water to rinse as hot water will sting.

  • Pat the tattoo dry with clean, sanitary paper towels then allow to fully air dry for a minimum of 10 minutes. Do not use your body towel to dry the area (towels may house bacteria).

  • Once the tattoo is dry, apply a very small amount of Aquaphor or anything natural like Shea Butter. (I do not recommend using oils like coconut oil, it is too greasy and the skin may not absorb.) Once the tattoo has sufficient coverage with the Aquaphor, let the skin absorb it for 10 - 15 seconds and then pat off any excess.

  • TIP: You want the tattoo to look like there is barely any Aquaphor on there. Just a little bit shiny. If you think you have too much Aquaphor on there, you probably do. Literally just a little shine. Seriously. Just a small amount.

  • Follow these steps with Aquaphor once a day for the first 2-3 days and THEN substitute in fragrance free lotion (like Lubriderm) instead of Aquaphor. DO THE SAME STEPS WITH CLEANING LISTED ABOVE BUT JUST USE LOTION INSTEAD OF AQUAPHOR.

  • Notes: No swimming or soaking for 2 weeks. Loose fitting clothing is best. No gyms, exercising outside for the first 10 days is recommended. Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo. Whenever you touch the tattoo make sure you have clean hands. Clean towels, bedding and clothes are highly recommended during the healing process. Your tattoo should be completely healed within about 2 weeks. Once the tattoo is healed, use SPF to protect from sun exposure.